December 2021 update

Christmas Shut Down 2021
We want to advise our clients as early as possible about our Christmas Shut Down dates for this year.
Our last day working will be Thursday the 23rd December.
We will open again on Monday the 17th January 2022.
Depending on the COVID response levels, we also hope to reopen our office in the New Year. In the meantime, unless required, all meetings will continue to be held virtually for the foreseeable future.
Due to the Christmas closure, all two monthly GST returns for the period October/November 2021 will need to be completed before we close on the 23rd December.
This means we will require your information by the morning of the 6th December, so we have time to process and complete all GST Returns.
GST payments are due on the 15th January 2021.
The second instalment of Provisional Tax is also due on the 15th January 2021 therefore, we will be advising all of our provisional tax clients about this payment prior to our office shut down on the 23rd December.
If you complete your own GST returns but would like us to review your trading to date to advise on your provisional tax position, please contact us before the 10th of December so we can review this for you.

Government Support packages
The Wage Subsidy is a payment to support eligible businesses, organisations and the self-employed affected by Alert Levels 3 and 4, so they can continue to pay employees and protect jobs.
You can apply for the Wage Subsidy regardless of where your business is located in New Zealand. However, your business must have been affected by the continuation of Alert Level 3 or 4.
The Wage Subsidy is paid in two-week periods. Since the alert level change on 17 August 2021, seven rounds of the scheme have been announced.
Applications for the first six rounds have now closed.
Applications for the seventh round, Wage Subsidy August 2021 #7 closed 11.59pm, on 25 November 2021.
Applications for Wage Subsidy August 2021 #8 are open from 9am on 26 November until 11.59pm on 9 December 2021.
You can apply on the Work and Income website.
Resurgence Support Payment
Applications for the first three rounds of the Resurgence Support payment close on 1 December. Applications for rounds four and five will remain open.
The Resurgence Support Payment (RSP) is a payment to help support viable and ongoing businesses or organisations due to a COVID-19 alert level increase to Level 2 or higher. If your business or organisation is facing a reduction in revenue due to an alert level increase, you may be eligible for the RSP.
Payments for the first four rounds of the RSP are $1,500 per eligible business, plus $400 per full-time equivalent (FTE) employee, up to a maximum of 50 FTE.
For the fifth round, the rates have increased to $3,000 per eligible business, plus $800 per FTE, up to a maximum of 50 FTE. The frequency of payments has increased from every three weeks to fortnightly, until Auckland moves into the new COVID-19 Protection Framework.
- For the first payment, the seven-day period of revenue decline must fall within 17 August 2021 and 1 November 2021. You can apply until 1 December 2021.
- For the second payment, the seven-day period of revenue decline must fall within 8 September 2021 and 1 November 2021. You can apply until 1 December 2021.
- For the third payment, the seven-day period of revenue decline must fall within 1 October and 1 November. You can apply until 1 December 2021.
- For the fourth payment, the revenue decline period must be a consecutive seven-days, in the period starting 22 October 2021 and ending the close of the day before any area of New Zealand moves into the COVID-19 Protection Framework.
- For the fifth payment, the revenue decline period must be a consecutive seven-day period in the period starting 5 November 2021 and ending the close of the day before any area of New Zealand moves into the COVID-19 Protection Framework. This payment will be made at the increased rate.
The 6th RSP opened for application on 26 November. Its affected period will start from 19 November (payment at the increased rate), you can apply on the Inland Revenue's website.
COVID-19 Protection Framework
You can start preparing for operating under the new COVID-19 Protection Framework by making sure you understand the changes coming.
For the most up to date information about My Vaccine Pass and the COVID-19 Protection Framework please visit the Unite against COVID-19 website.
My Vaccine Pass(external link)
COVID-19 Protection Framework(external link)
For the latest Information on vaccines in the workplace please visit the Employment New Zealand website
Vaccines and the workplace(external link) — Employment New Zealand

Important Tax Dates
The Tael 2022 Tax Calendars are now available from our website. Click here to access
Upcoming Tax Dates:
15 January 2022 – The second instalment for 2022 Provisional Tax and October/November GST payments are due.
7 April 2022 – 2021 Terminal Tax is due for payment

We are very excited to let you know we will now be using DocuSign to complete our document signing process.
DocuSign is an easy-to-use digital transaction platform that let's you sign legally binding documents securely in the cloud.
We will be using DocuSign to sign our end of year Annuals Accounts and Tax Returns, meaning you don't have to print and manually sign the paperwork.
We will need to ensure we have your up to date email address and if there are multiple people in a group we will need an email address for each signee.
We have already received great feedback from you in regards to DocuSign, making it a simpler and quicker process to get signed documents back to us. Once we have your accounts completed we will email you them and advise that the documents will also be sent via DocuSign.
If you have any questions or unsure on how to use the system simply give us a call and we can guide you through it.
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a joyful New Year!
If you have any questions or concerns for us, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
Our staff are still working from home, so email remains the best option to get in contact, however, our office number is still functional is you have any questions (09 869 2200).
Are you ready to elevate your business? Our team at Tael is here to help. Take the first step towards your business growth by scheduling your complimentary initial consultation today.