October 2022 - Inside this issue

Christmas Shut Down 2022
It's already that time of the year, we want to advise our clients as early as possible about our Christmas Shut Down dates for this year.
Our last day working will be Friday the 23rd December.
We will open again on Monday the 23rd January 2023.
Due to the Christmas closure, all two monthly GST returns for the period October/November 2022 will need to be completed before we close on the 23rd December.
This means we will require your information by the morning of Monday 5th December, so we have time to process and complete all GST Returns.
GST payments are due on the 15th January 2023.
The second instalment of Provisional Tax (2 monthly GSTs and no GST) is also due on the 15th January 2023 therefore, we will be advising all of our provisional tax clients about this payment prior to our office shut down on the 23rd December.
If you complete your own GST returns but would like us to review your trading to date to advise on your provisional tax position, please contact us before the
9th of December so we can review this for you.

Important Tax Dates
Upcoming Tax Dates:
15 January 2023 – The second instalment for 2023 Provisional Tax and October/November GST payments are due.
7 April 2023 – 2022 Terminal Tax is due for payment

Deductible Expenses Training
We know you love Xero training and we try our best to cover all the key areas based on client feedback. If there is a specific area you need support in please feel free to get in touch.
In November we will be doing a training focusing on what deductible expenses you can claim and how to code these expenses in Xero.
With the recent changes on what entertainment expenses we can claim, if you complete your own coding, this training would be particularly useful for you.
Training is scheduled for Tuesday 15th November at 10am.
Please register by clicking on the link below. Training will last approximately an hour and a half.
If you have any questions or concerns for us, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
Our staff are still working from home, so email remains the best option to get in contact, however, our office number is still functional is you have any questions (09 869 2200).
Are you ready to elevate your business? Our team at Tael is here to help. Take the first step towards your business growth by scheduling your complimentary initial consultation today.